Programs, Services & Equipment Rentals
Municipal Roadside Weed Control Program
As part of an effective integrated vegetation management plan, the Agricultural Service Board conducts the municipal roadside weed spraying program focusing on invasive weeds. In areas of concern, we also immediately control Prohibited Noxious in municipal areas.
If a ratepayer chooses not to participate in the municipal roadside weed spraying program, a “Spray Exemption Agreement” is to be completed and returned to the Municipal Office every year before May 1st.
Municipal Roadside Brush Control Program
As part of an effective integrated vegetation management plan, the Agricultural Service Board conducts the municipal roadside brush control spraying program focusing on encroaching brush within municipal right-of-ways.
Municipal Roadside Seeding Program
The Agricultural Service Board works with the Public Works Department on the remediation of newly constructed municipal right-of-way’s and borrow pits. The Agricultural Fieldman will work with Landowners to choose the best blend of grass seed mixture they want their land re-seeded to.
Municipal Roadside Mowing Program
As part of an effective integrated vegetation management plan, the M.D. of Provost conducts a mowing program of approximately 850 miles of municipal roadside allowance.
Municipal Seed Cleaning Plants
The A.S.B. works closely with the municipal seed cleaning plant in Provost; by collecting seed samples, annual inspections and the issuance of yearly operating licenses. This is in accordance with the Alberta Weed Control Act.
Provincial Pest Surveying Program
The A.S.B. conducts several seasonal agricultural pest surveys. The information gathered is incorporated into the Provincial pest control forecast maps. These maps can be accessed through the Aberta Government website.
The pests that may be surveyed include: Grasshoppers, Clubroot of Canola, Fusarium, Wheat Midge, Bertha Armyworm, Diamondback moth and the Provincial Weed inventory Survey.
Provincial Rat Program
The A.S.B. conducts local inspections and baiting of farms to prevent the establishment of Norway Rat infestations. This is in accordance with the Provincial Pest Control Act. For more information, visit our Rat Control Program section.
AAAF Memorial Bursary
One $1000 bursary is available to a student that resides in the Northeast AAAF Region. Deadline for the NE AAAF Bursary application submission is September 1 of each year.
Private Spraying
The A.S.B. offers private land spot-spraying operations to ratepayers for weeds such as Toadflax, Tansy, Scentless Chamomile, Leafy Spurge and other Prohibited Noxious or Noxious weeds on a cost recovery basis.
Municipal Rural Updates and Awareness
The A.S.B. works diligently in gathering current information that pertains to rural ratepayers. This information is available through municipal newsletters, radio programs, posters, and newspaper articles.
Agricultural Pesticide Empty Container Sites
The A.S.B. provides four locations for farmers to drop off their empty, triple rinsed and punctured pesticide containers, for future recycling purposes. Please remove caps and labels prior to drop off.
Rental Equipment:
The following equipment is available to the ratepayers:
Item # | Equipment Available | Damage Deposit | Rental Rate |
Skunk Traps | $200 | *Traps must be returned within two weeks | |
Magpie Traps | $200 | *Traps must be returned within two weeks | |
Duckbangers | $200 | *Traps must be returned within two weeks | |
RGS (Gopher) Foamer Unit | $200 | $50/day | |
Fenceline Sprayer | $500 | $50/day | |
46-066 | Cattle Scale | $500 | $0.30/head ($100 min charge) |
– All Rates are GST exclusive.
– The damage deposit must be paid before equipment will be released.
– ALL EQUIPMENT must be sufficiently cleaned & returned on time in good condition or your DEPOSIT WILL NOT BE RETURNED.
– A delivery fee of $25 and a Pickup fee of $25 will be charged FOR ALL EQUIPMENT.