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Crop Diseases & Pests

The Agricultural Pest Act provides authority for the Minister to declare as a pest or nuisances any animal, bird, insect, plant or disease which negatively impacts the environment and/or agricultural production.

Legislation enables inspectors and local authorities to deal with these Pests & Nuisances. The Municipal District of Provost is responsible for protecting the agricultural productivity of the municipality by controlling native and introduced pests.

Landowners are accountable for controlling pests on their properties.

Agricultural Pests Act and Regulation

The Agricultural Pest Act directs that declared Agricultural Pests must be controlled, while Agricultural Nuisances may be controlled.

Pest Control Officers

The local contacts for pest control are:

Kent Kozlinski
Pest Control Officer
(780) 209-1710

If you think you have seen a rat, or any suspected rat sign, please contact one of them, and they will be more then happy to come investigate and help out if any problems are found.

Crop Diseases & Pests

Early detection of harmful crop pests allows producers an opportunity to utilize available control measures or plan rotations to manage outbreaks.
Most disease pests may be prevented or limited by lengthening crop rotations – shortened rotations dramatically increase the risk of infection.
The Agricultural Pest Act has listed a number of pests which must be controlled, and properties in the Municipal District of Provost will be inspected for these pests as well.

Crop Diseases:

Clubroot of Canola
Soil born plant pathogen disease. Clubroot alters hormone balance, resulting in galls. Spread by spore infected soils. May decimate up to 80% of yield, and reduce marketing options. Planting a Clubroot tolerant variety will further delay the spread of the disease.
Clubroot Information
Alberta Clubroot Management Plan
Government of Alberta – Clubroot Disease of Mustard and Canola

Fusarium Headblight
– This disease contains mycotoxins which are toxic to animals. May reduce yields and can seriously limit marketing options, due to the toxins present in infected seed.
– The Alberta Fusarium Graminearum Management Plan recommends that all seed sent to facilities for cleaning be tested prior to delivery to avoid contaminating the plant and other seed lots.
– Fusarium is a serious cereal disease that has been spreading across Alberta. Learn how to manage it.
Fusarium: A Fungal Diseas of Barley and Wheat
Alberta Fusarium Graminearum Management Plan
Fusarium Headblight – FAQ

Blackleg of Canola
– Fungal canker / dry rot disease of growing crop, causing girdling and lodging. Heavily infested crops can result in major yield loss and grade reductions. Spreads by seeds and spores.
Blackleg of Canola

Crop Pests:

Bertha Armyworms
Berta Armyworm Information

May cause serious damage and yield loss to both forages and annual crops and should be closely monitored. If we don’t get good rain in late May – early June, start scouting!
Grasshopper Management
Controlling Grasshoppers FAQ

Did you know?

Purchasing Blackleg resistant varieties does not mean the plant isn’t susceptible to the fungus. These varieties are very tolerant, not resistant, which means the plants can still get infected.

Cutting a Canola plant at the crown can help assess internal infection for Virulent Blackleg.

Pressure washing equipment with 1 – 2 % bleach solution can greatly reduce risk of spreading Clubroot. EcoClear or HyperOx can also be effectively used.