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Integrated Vegetative Management

The integrated Vegetative Management Program in the Municipal District of Provost uses the combination of various land management components to reduce the presence and impact of invasive species on the environment. These land management procedures include inspections, roadside spraying, and roadside mowing.

Prohibited Noxious Weeds Found/At Risk in the M.D. of Provost

• Knapweed, Diffuse
• Knapweed, Spotted
• Thistle, Nodding

Noxious Weeds Found/At Risk in the M.D. of Provost

• Black Henbane
• Canada Thistle
• Common Baby’s Breath
• Common Tansy
• Leafy Spurge
• Ox-Eye Daisy
• Perennial Sow Thistle
• Scentless Chamomile
• Yellow Toadflax

Weed Inspectors

Under the Alberta Weed Control Act the County must employ weed inspectors to inspect all land within our jurisdiction. Inspectors will attempt to make contact with residents when possible. Once appointed, inspectors have the legal right to enter on any land provided it is during reasonable hours. A person shall not willfully obstruct an inspector as this is an offence that is finable under the Act.

Identification Guide

(Acknowledgement: Wheatland County)

Report a Weed

If you have questions or concerns regarding the Alberta Weed Control Act or for assistance with weed identification contact:
T: 780-753-2434

Weed Reporting is confidential

Municipal District of Provost Agricultural Services Department | 780-753-2434
The Alberta Ag-Info Centre | 310-FARM or 310-3276
The Alberta Invasive Species Council
Alberta Native Plant Council

Apps for Identifying Weeds

AAAF – Regulated Weeds, Fieldman Contact Info, Report a weed

AB Weed Spotter – Regulated Weeds in Alberta & look-alikes, Report a weed.

Landowner Responsibility

We all have an interest in controlling these weeds, and all landowners are responsible for taking action to ensure weed populations are controlled and do not increase. Regulated weeds will continue to spread unless we collectively make a concerted effort to control them. Mandatory work by all landowners is the most effective way to stop the spread of these plants.

Reminder to Residents

If you have Diffuse Knapweed or Scentless Chamomile that you would like to dispose of, you can bring it to the M.D. Shop by the Airport to be incinerated.
Please call before you drop it off to make sure someone is at the building to assist you.

Mowing & Mulching

Roadside mowing is a part of the Integrated Vegetation Management of weed species and will follow a yearly rotation. In addition to roadside mowing, landowners may request brush mulching along the municipal right-of-way within their land. Mulching is limited to one blade width from the municipal right-of-way. These programs are available free of charge to assist with small areas and along the rights-of-way.


As part of an effective integrated vegetation management plan, the Agricultural Service Board conducts the municipal roadside weed spraying program focusing on Noxious weeds and Brush Growth. In areas of concern, we also immediately control Prohibited Noxious in municipal areas.

If a ratepayer chooses not to participate in the municipal roadside weed spraying program, a “Spray Exemption Agreement” is to be completed and returned to the Municipal Office every year before May 1st.

Custom Spraying

Private spraying of land is a program that is available to ratepayers. If interested, landowners must fill out the Custom Spray Application form and hand it in prior to May 1st of that season, annually.

Cost of the program may adjust annually; however, ratepayers are given a 50% subsidy on chemical cost for the application.


Aspect Most commonly used within the M.D. to spray invasive weeds on Private Land and Roadsides.
Garlon XRT Most commonly used within the M.D. to spray woody species on Private Land and Roadsides.
Clearview Most commonly used to spot spray heavy infestations of invasive species on Private Land and Roadsides.
Amine 24D Surfactant we use with Clearview, most commonly used to spot spray infestations of broadleaf weeds on Private Land and Roadsides.

Forms worth Completing

• Spray Exemption Form
• Custom Spray Form
• Brush Control Form