In accordance with the Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26 (as amended), all municipalities in Alberta are mandated to prepare intermunicipal development plans with their municipal neighbours by April 1st, 2020 to formalize their relationships in regards to future land use within fringe areas.
Consequently, the M.D. of Provost No. 52 and the County of Paintearth No. 18 gave three readings and passed corresponding bylaws containing their Intermunicipal Development Plan in September, 2018, following a rigorous public consultation process which included landowner notification letters, separate public meetings, and separate public hearings.
To offer further detail, the Intermunicipal Development Plan defines a Fringe Area and contains regulations which directly impact the lands which are contained therein, as outlined in Appendix A of the document. The intent of this definition is not to curtail or restrict development, but rather provide a process which makes sure that potential cross-jurisdictional impacts arising from proposed development are given due consideration by all affected parties.
If you wish, please read through the Intermunicipal Development Plan, which is attached below. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please forward them to Lauren Ford, Executive Assistant to the Administrator, at the M.D. of Provost Administration Office, or by email at [email protected].

MD of Provost - Paintearth IDP PDF

M.D. of Provost/Town of Provost IDP

M.D. of Provost / MD of Wainwright IDP

M.D. of Provost - Special Areas Board IDP