Hamlet and Country Residential Addressing
At it’s Regular Meeting of January 12th, 2012, the Council passed Bylaw 2223, which assigns a rural address to every rural and Hamlet residence within the M.D. A copy of the package sent out to all Hamlet and Country Residential Ratepayers is available here.
Here is an example of a lot sign.
Here is an example of a rural address sign.
Charitable Donation Policy
At its Regular Meeting of February 25th, 2010, the Council of the MD of Provost No. 52 ratified a new policy governing the way in which third party funding requests of a nature not related to the ordinary business of the MD are dealt with. In brief, this policy sets aside $40,000 in each fiscal year, for which eligible parties or organizations may apply, and establishes criteria by which said applications will be evaluated and a timeframe for the rewarding of allocations.
For application and eligibility criteria and information relative to submission deadlines, please see the policy in its entirety here. If you have any additional questions please call the MD Administration Office.
Tyler Lawrason, Administrator